Special Sale Valid Till 9th Mar, 2025. Enroll Now


Learn All The Tools Used In Data Science, Analytics & Engineering Domain And Get Placed After Course Completion.

Acquire a comprehensive and Hands-on Learning Experience with daily 1-1 Chat Support for Doubt Resolution and Career Advancement Techniques.

Enroll Now @ 20000/-+GSTSpecial Sale Valid Till 9th Mar, 2025

Our Unique Features

Hands-On Learning

Get Complete Hands-on Practical Learning Experience through Assignments & Projects for Proper Confidence Building

Doubt Clearance Support

Get 1-1 Personal Chat Support for Doubt Clearance everyday between 6PM to 9AM (including weekends also). Between 8PM to 9PM, the Teaching Assistants will be also available over Live Zoom Meeting for Doubt Clearance.

Other Important Course Features

Industrial Internship
Lifetime Access
Job Hunting Techniques

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What Are You Getting?

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Here’s what you’ll learn in this
Data Superstar Placement Assistance Program



SQL is the most underrated skill of a Data Engineer. It is used to pull required data points from the complex database of clients. You need to write long queries using joins to get the relevant data points.


Python is the backbone of Data Science. It is the most widely used language for DE. It’s very easy to learn compared to other languages and non-tech people can also learn it. You need not become an expert in it. You should mainly know how to manipulate data using it.

Maths & Statistics

Statistics is what makes Data Science unique. Lots of Data Science problems are solved using statistics tests. Also understanding the dataset is done using statistics. It is very important for interviews.


Tableau is a software that offers collaborative data visualization for organizations working with business information analytics. In this course we have covered tableau from basics to advance which will help any individual to clear data analyst interviews.


Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence platform that provides nontechnical business users with tools for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing and sharing data. In our course we have covered all aspects of powerbi necessary to clear data analyst interviews with different case studies to showcase in your resume.

MS Excel

Excel is a spreadsheet program from Microsoft and a component of its Office product group for business applications. Microsoft Excel enables users to format, organize and calculate data in a spreadsheet. Its features calculation or computation capabilities, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Introduction to Data Science

If you are starting going to start your career in Data Domain then you must have understand of this domain completely. In this section you will get the complete overview of the data science domain and its different key components.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is core of Data Science. These are mathematical algorithms which try to find patterns and relationships in the input and output of the given dataset. You need to know the inner workings of the algorithms and also how to do hyper parameter tuning.

Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a subset of Machine learning. It deals with neural networks which solves complex problems of Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and time series predictions. Someone will to target advance Data Science roles must have this skill.

AWS QuickSight

Amazon QuickSight allows everyone in the organization to understand data by asking questions in natural language, exploring through interactive dashboards, or automatically looking for patterns and outliers powered by machine learning. It is also an add on tool for resume and shows your desire for learning.

Google Data Studio

Data Studio is a free tool that turns your data into informative, easy to read, easy to share, and fully customizable dashboards and reports. It is not a necessary tool for you but it's good to add extra tool in your resume to show your fire for learning. It can be helpful if your company decides to use this tool for data analysis.


DSA is not a prime necessity of Data Science but some companies do ask DSA related questions specifically the product based companies like Amazon

Generative AI

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) describes algorithms (such as ChatGPT) that can be used to create new content, including audio, code, images, text, simulations, and videos.

R Language

R is not widely used as compared to Python but still some companies use it. It’s very power when it comes to plotting variety of graphics. The Exploratory Data Analysis is done better with R as compared to python.

Kaggle Optimization Course

Kaggle is a good place to participate in machine learning/ deep learning competitions. This course covers about kaggle platform and how you can utilise kaggle to build your portfolio. It explains how you can use dataset, notebooks, competition here to get medals and boost your portfolio.


Big Data Introduction

✅ Intro to Big data
✅ Hadoop and its evolution
✅ HDFS Architecture
✅ Hadoop ecosystem intro
✅ Linux commands
✅ HDFS commands

Map Reduce

✅ Intro to Map Reduce
✅ Different phases of Map Reduce
✅ Combiners and Partitioners
✅ Hash Function in Map Reduce
✅ Shuffling and sorting in Map Reduce
✅ Map Reduce Use Case


✅ What is Hive
✅ Hive Query Language
✅ Comparison Hive vs RDBMS
✅ Hive Architecture
✅ Hive Views
✅ Hive Subqueries
✅ Built-in Functions
✅ Partitioning
✅ Bucketing
✅ Ranking
✅ Sorting
✅ Hive File Formats


✅ Introduction
✅ Sqoop Import
✅ Sqoop Eval
✅ Sqoop Export
✅ Connecting to MySQL
✅ Sqoop Incremental
✅ Sqoop job creation


✅ Introduction
✅ Properties of HBase
✅ HBASE Architecture
✅ HFile
✅ Zookeeper
✅ Update HBASE Data
✅ Delete HBASE Data
✅ Cassandra Overview
✅ HBASE vs Cassandra
✅ Filters in HBase.


✅ Scala Introduction
✅ Why Scala
✅ Datatypes
✅ Strings
✅ If/else
✅ For Loop
✅ While Loop
✅ Functions
✅ Arrays
✅ Lists
✅ Tuples
✅ SetMap
✅ Functional Program
✅ Anonymous Function
✅ Recursion
✅ Scala Operators
✅ Scala Type System


✅ What is Spark
✅ Spark comparison with Map Reduce
✅ Immutability
✅ RDD Lineage
✅ Accumulators
✅ Spark Stages
✅ Spark on Yarn
✅ Spark Storge
✅ Intro to SparkSQL
✅ Handling columns in Dataframe/dataset
✅ Aggregations
✅ Window Aggregations
✅ Joins using Data Frame
✅ Broad Cast Join
✅ Shuffle sort-merge join
✅ Spark optimization
✅ Spark Streaming


✅ Introduction
✅ Kafka Architecture
✅ Index
✅ Cluster
✅ Integrating Kafka with Spark


✅ Intro to Apache Airflow
✅ Airflow Architecture
✅ Airflow Installation
✅ Creating and viewing DAG
✅ Cron job creation
✅ Logs Viewing
✅ Sensors

Amazon Web Services(AWS)

✅ OnPrem vs Cloud
✅ HDFS vs S3
✅ What is S3
✅ EC2
✅ Elastic IP
✅ AWS storage, networking
✅ S3 and EBS
✅ Athena
✅ AWS Glue
✅ AWS Redshift

Azure Databricks

✅ Introduction to Databricks
✅ Databricks Workspace Assets
✅ Databricks Architecture Overview
✅ DBFS Overview
✅ Data Utility in Databricks
✅ File System Utility
✅ Widgets Utility in Databricks
✅ Data Utility in Databricks
✅ Creating a Mount Point
✅ Mount Azure Blob Storage to DBFS
✅ Secret Utility in Databricks
✅ Access ADLS Gen2 Storage Using Account Key
✅ Access Data Lake Storage Gen2 or Blob Storage
✅ Access ADLS Gen2 or Blob Storage Using a SAS Token


✅Introduction to Snowflake
✅Loading Data
✅Copying Options
✅Loading Unstructured Data
✅Performance Optimization
✅Loading Data from Azure
✅Snowpipe for Azure
✅Time Travel
✅Fail Safe
✅Type of Tables
✅Zero-Copy Cloning
✅Data Sharing
✅Data Sampling
✅Scheduling Tasks

Google Cloud Platform

✅ Introduction to GCP
✅ Bigquery
✅ Pub/sub


ML & DL Projects

Machine Learning & Deep Learning Projects are essential to showcase in your resume to reflect the learnings of your skillset. These projects will have the same level of detailed work as required in an actual company project. That's why we have selected different problem statements from computer vision, NLP and time series which you can work on to excel in Deep Learning.

Data Analytics Projects

Data analytics projects are important for businesses and organizations as they enable the collection, analysis, and application of data-driven insights for informed decision-making, process optimization, and improved performance.

Data Engineering Projects

A data pipeline is the art of designing and building systems for collecting storing and analyzing data at scale. Organisations have the ability to collect massive amounts of data and they need the right people and technology to collect this huge amount of data so it is in a highly usable state by the time it reaches data scientists and analysts.
In this section, we will be building end-to-end data pipelines  using the big data tech stack that we have learnt in the course


LinkedIn Course

The LinkedIn Growth course teaches users how to build a strong and effective LinkedIn profile, grow their professional network, and use LinkedIn to find new career opportunities. The course covers a range of topics, including profile optimization, content creation, network building, and job search strategies, and is designed to help users improve their visibility and influence on the platform.

Resume Building Course

This course teaches you how to create a strong and effective resume that highlights your skills and experience, and how to tailor your resume to specific job postings. The course covers a range of topics, including resume formatting, keyword optimization, and cover letter writing, and is designed to help you stand out from other applicants in a competitive job market.

Online Job Searching Hacks

You will be learning about other online job portals hack that will increase your chances to getting call for interviews. It covers Naukri, AngelList, Hirect etc

HR Round QnA Video Set

The HR Round Interview QnA course can help you improve your chances of success. This online learning program covers a range of common interview questions and provides tips on how to answer them effectively. The course also includes information on how to prepare for an interview, how to make a positive first impression, and how to follow up after the interview.

General Aptitude

Some companies keep first round as aptitude to check thinking skills. In this course we have covered aptitude topics with their examples which are widely asked in aptitude round of interviews. This course is divided into Quantitative, logical and verbal aptitude sections. It will help learners to build logic on all 3 levels of aptitude.

Recorded Mock Interview Videos

You will get recorded Interview Mock Sessions that will help you to understand the Interview Process and question types. It covers Python, SQL, Machine Learning, Statistics etc Mock Interview Session and we keep updating it.

CloudyML Placement Assistance Program

Data Superstar Placement Assistance Program is intended to help you make your dream career a reality. This is not just another program, this is the best career guidance available in India and it will make you job ready for the roles like Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Data Engineer, Business Analyst, ML Engineer etc

When others are charging Lakh of Rupees for courses, our vision is to provide Industry Oriented courses @ most affordable price so everyone can learn. To get you placed, we have included some amazing features in this program mentioned below:

# Industrial Internship Opportunity

After completion of the Core Topics, you can apply for Industrial Internship. You will be working on various projects that will boost up your confidence and give you Real World Industrial Working Experience that you can mention in your resume. It can be 3 Months Internship with CloudyML. Based on your performance we can increase the internship period. You will get Certificate of Internship.

# Student's Profile Optimization

Along with helping you to improve your CV through Resume Review, we will optimize your LinkedIn profile. You will become a more qualified applicant and increase your chances of being chosen for job interviews.

# Job Opening & Referral Mails

To keep you informed, we will regularly email you about new Job Openings. Additionally, you will get employment recommendations (Job Referrals) for placements. Your job search will become simpler than ever.

# Company Tie-up Interview

We have connections with many data science & engineering companies and will conduct direct interviews for placement after the completion of your course. This is an another advantage of participating in this Data Engineering Placement Assistance Program.

# Unlimited Mock Interview Session

You will have the opportunity to participate in an unlimited number of mock interview sessions with industry experts. It will sharpen your mind, give you more clarity, and prepare you for interviews. You can start giving the Mock Interviews after completing the Core Topics from the course.

# Pay After Placement Program

We will give you dedicated placement assistance from our team to land you on your dream job. When others are charging more than 2 Lakhs, here in CloudyML you have to pay Rs.50,000 after getting a job with the help of our team.

After completing the course, if you get job by your own then you do not have to pay us anything.

Minimum we can guarantee 6LPA for freshers. For experienced people we can provide minimum 20% hike if they have 2 years of relevant experience ( or if they are able to show 2 years of experience). If you will get anything lesser then you do not have to pay us anything.

You will be signing a Pay-After-Placement Agreement with us after your course completion and we will start finding your dream jobs for you.

How You Will Become Job Ready?

More than 20000+ learners are getting benefits from our courses and we are helping them to achieve their dreams by enhancing their skills to Supreme Level with this Roadmap.

Step 1: Learn everything from scratch
You will be learning all the technical topics from basics to advanced level and solving assignments to get complete hands-on practical learning experience.
Step 2: Work on Industrial Projects
After that, you will be doing Industrial Projects that will boost up your confidence and enhance your resume
Step 3: Master pro Career Growth Hacks
Simultaneously with the course, you will be learning Linkedin Growth Hacks, Pro Resume Building and Proven techniques to find jobs through various online platforms.
Step 4: Do an Industrial Internship
After learning all the core topics and doing projects, you can do Industrial Internship with Us and get Real-World exposure that will super enhance your skills
Step 5: Get Placed
With our Placement Assistance Program, which comes with Job Referrals, Unlimited Mock Interviews, Company Tie-up Interviews etc, you will be able to get your Dream Job and you can start your career in Data Science & Engineering Domain.

Get All the 24 courses + Projects + Job Hunting Tools = Total Worth : ₹1,31,034

At Offer Price of ₹20000 + GST
Plus Get ChatGPT & Ultimate AI Tools Mastery Course For FREE By Enrolling Today


Special Sale Valid Till 9th Mar, 2025


Data Superstar Placement Assistance Program

( Get More Than 80% Discount Today )

₹1,31,034 ₹20000

+ 18% GST

✅ Structured Tutorial Videos
✅ Guided Practice Assignments
✅ Industrial End-to-End Projects
✅ Job Hunting Topics
✅ 1-1 Doubt Clearance Support
✅ Industrial Internship Offer
✅ LinkedIn & Resume Review
✅ Job Opening & Referral Mails
✅ Company Tie-up Interview
✅ Unlimited Mock Interviews
✅ 100% Placement Assistance
✅ Course Completion Certificate
✅ Free Future Updates
✅ Lifetime Access

Register or Regret

Enroll Before 9th Mar 2025 to get everything @ Super Discounted Offer Price and also get 100% Placement Assistance.

Meet The Course Designer

Hi! this is Akash Raj & I'm a Data Scientist & Founder of CloudyML.

I have transitioned my career from Manual Tester to Data Scientist by upskilling myself on my own from various online resources and doing lots of Hands-on practice. For internal switch I sent around 150 mails to different project managers, interviewed in 20 and got selected in 10 projects.When it came to changing company I put papers with NO offers in hand. And in the notice period I struggled to get a job. First 2 months were very difficult but in the last month things started changing miraculously.I attended 40+ interviews in span of 3 months with the help of Naukri and LinkedIn profile Optimizations and got offer by 8 companies.

Based on my career transition and industrial experience, I have designed this course so anyone from any background can learn Data Science and become Job-Ready at affordable price.

Meet Your Other Course Faculties

Sajal Soni

Data Scientist @IBM | ex-TCS

Ashish Kumar

Data Engineer @ ADI || MTech (CSE) @ IIT Bhubaneswar || Ex-Research Intern @IIT KGP

Venu Gopal

Data Scientist @ Karza Technologies

Deekshant Kapoor

Data Scientist @ HSBC

Sweta Kumari

Software Engineer (Machine Learning) @ Teradata

Why You Should Make Your Career In Data Domain?

Fastest Career Growth

Lucrative Salaries

Growing Data Industry

1 Million+ Job Postings in 2022

Impact Businesses Directly

Suitable for Non-Tech People

Get Everything @ 18000/-
Save Extra & Get More With This Program

For Whom this course is ?

Freshers and Undergraduates willing to pursue a career in Data Science, Analytics & Engineering

Anyone with a curiosity for Data and Technology

Experienced Professionals planning to switch to Data Scientist or Analyst or Engineer profile

Anyone who wanna get industrial-level advanced knowledge and do an internship to gain more experience.

People from non-coding backgrounds can learn everything from scratch and switch to In-Demand Data Domain

Companies Where Our Learners Are Shining

Companies where our learners are shining ✨

CloudyML’s Data Science and Data Analytics Course has received positive reviews and high praise.

Is This Course Up To Industry Standard?

A BIG, YES. In our course, we have covered everything which is used in the industry and asked in the interviews. Not only that, we have made this course for complete Hands-On Practical Learning Experience with Assignments, Industrial End-to-End Projects and Case Studies so learners can get full confidence in their skills from scratch. A lot of our learners (from various backgrounds) have successfully switched to the particular domain after completing our course. Career growth techniques and hacks are also covered in this package e.g. LinkedIn-Naukri-Angel-Hirect etc growth, HR Round Questions, Mock Interview Videos, Salary Negotiation etc that help our learners to get a perfect Job. After completing this course, you will become MASTER OF DATA and you will be able to do all the data related works.

No Prior Coding Experience Required to Join.


Success Stories

Total Learners



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Start Your Journey @ 20000/- + GSTSpecial Sale Valid Till 9th Mar, 2025

These Feedback Are Our Motivation.

Start Your Journey @ 20000/- + GSTEnroll In The Most Affordable Program

Frequently Asked Questions

How CloudyML is different from any other online learning platform?

⦿ We provide complete hands-on practical learning experience to our learners which we are doing through our structured tutorial videos and most importantly Assignment & Projects Driven Courses that you will not get anywhere.

⦿ Our vision is to provide courses are Most Affordable Price so anyone from any background can learn from it. Nowhere you will get such valuable contents and features in a single course at such price.

⦿ We provide 1-1 Chat Support for Doubt Clearance daily so learners can study smoothly and fast. Other institutes provide support over Email or provide only online community based support which is not that much beneficial.

⦿ We provide lifetime course content access and it is a self-paced course as well so anyone can learn according to their time and manager their work and study.

⦿ We keep tracking our learners progress and also connect with them over Call/Chat to guide them and help them to achieve their goals.

I don't have coding background or experience in IT as such how this will help me ?

This course has been designed keeping beginners in mind. You will be able to learn as we start from basics. We have many learners doing this course who had no prior coding experience.

In fact, 30% of our Data Science & Analytics Course learners are from non-coding background like mechanical, civil, commerce, arts, MBA, BCA, bio-tech, etc and they are getting jobs and other benefits after completing this course.

In this Data Engineering Course, you will get the same vibes and support from our team and you will become job-ready after your course completion.

Is this course covers everything provided by CloudyML in Data Science domain ?

Yes, our Data Superstar Placement Assistance Program cover everything provided by CloudyML. It is a combination of our Data Science & Analytics Placement Guarantee Program and Data Engineering Placement Guarantee Progam.

After completing this course, you will become job-ready for the roles like Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Business Analyst, Data Engineer, ML Engineer, Research Analyst etc.

What is the course duration?

In general, it may take around 7-8 Months to complete the entire course if you give 2-3 Hours per day. It is a Self-Paced course with lifetime access, you can learn according to your time. You can learn different parts of this course and become job-ready for different data roles. You will get complete access to the course content and you can learn according to your preferance also.

What is the method of learning?

The course is designed in the form of Videos & Assignments. In Assignments we have topic wise tutorial video links followed by related questions. You are supposed to code the solutions.

If you are stuck somewhere then you can reach to our Teaching Assistant. They are available from 6P.M to 9A.M. everyday on App Chat or Web Chat. Also 8-9PM Live Doubt Session over Zoom you will be getting. After completion you need to submit the assignment and you will receive the solution file.

Who will be my Teaching Assistant?

We will assign you Experienced Data Scientists and Engineers from our team who will resolve all of your doubts and queries within 10-20 mins. They will be available everyday between 6pm to 12 midinght to resolve your queries over chat.

How 1-1 Chat Support will benefit me ?

You will get dedicated 6 hours of personal chat support for your doubt clearance. On the app chat, you can sent Text Messages, Images, Voice Recording, Videos and files and your Teachning Assistant will guide you and resolve your doubts within 10-20 mins. This support will be available everyday and comes with lifetime access so you can chat after your course completion as well.

When I can start my internship with CloudyML?

After completing the course, you can apply for the internship part from your course portal. There will be one basic interview to test your skills and also we will check your submitted assignments. If you will pass in this process then you can instantly start your remote internship with CloudyML. If you will be not ready then we will give you 2 week of time for preparation and then again you can give the interview. You can do internship as Data Scientist Intern, Data Analyst Intern, Data Engineer Intern etc.

How long will be the course access ?

You will get Lifetime access to the entire course including videos, assignments, projects etc.

Is this one time payment or monthly subscription ?

It’s one time payment and you will get lifetime access to this course experience.

How we deliver our course?

While making the payment, you will be also creating your account in our learning portal. Just after your payment your course will be added to your account and you can start your learning journey instantly

Do you have refund policy?

We do not have refund policy. Please visit our page for more details

Course Completion Certificate

We are Acknowledged By Government of India As An Innovative Startup